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Visitors Welcome!

At Johnson Family Farms, our animals and land are treated with reference and respect. In summer, the cattle are rotated to six different pesticide-free pastures, allowing the land to replenish itself, thus sustaining a natural environment for both the cattle and the land. On hot summer days, our cows always have access to shade and clean water at all times.
Our animals have a stress-free environment and always humane handling. Research has determined that animals that are calm during calving, during weaning (calves separated from mother after 6-7 months of nursing), and even during loading and unloading from the trailer DO NOT release stress hormones that can alter the taste and quality of the beef.
In winter, the cattle are still able to be in the pasture fields, although they are provided with green nutritious hay that has been harvested by our family during the past summer. On those frigid days of winter, our cattle have access to shelter, which includes a bed of clean straw, and, of course, clean water.

Call For A Visit! 330-206-5653

Our Animals

Our cattle never leave our care. Our base herd is Black Angus and bred to a registered Angus bull.
JFF cattle are always on pasture, never confined to a feedlot. With rotational grazing, the cattle are periodically moved to different pastures, promoting access to fresh grass. This ensures a varied, nutritious diet of natural grasses for the cattle throughout the changing seasons.
At three months, the mother and calf are moved to the Johnson Acres farm location, where they continue to graze on rotated pastures and to feed on green hay bales. The mother calf combination are started on a corn-foraged based diet. The additional corn forage creates a tender meat with a rich flavor and takes away the tough, gamey taste of 100% grass fed beef. Our naturally raised beef is processed at 24 months of age.
Johnson Meadows near North Georgetown houses the freezer beef retail store. Our facility is certified by the Safety Division of the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Our freezer inventory has a selection of cuts available for immediate purchase. No order is too large or too small. Please call us to place an order. Also available are quarters, halves, or whole beef and a half or whole pork. The Johnsons are committed to their customers in providing them with natural, premium and safe freezer meats at competitive pricing.